President Husović: We will continue to work for the benefit of our fellow citizens

As every year, we celebrate this day with a sense of pride for the people who gave their lives to liberate this region. Throughout history, Rožaje preserved the spirit of freedom and the values of anti-fascism. It is precisely on these values that we raise new generations. The deeds of our forefathers remain a permanent guide for us both in the time we live in and in the one to come.
Dear friends, the celebration of the Municipality Day is also an opportunity to summarize our impressions of what was done during the past year.
Our vision of development is clear. It is accompanied by the recently adopted strategic plan for the next five years. Rožaje has all the conditions to become a modern, tourist town where citizens live with dignity from their work. Our multi-year efforts are going in that direction. We are actively working on preparing the infrastructure for the full implementation of the development plan. In all of this, we were significantly slowed down by the pandemic and the various social circumstances in the country, but we did not falter.
The citizens of Rožaj, especially in rural areas, had enormous problems for decades because they did not have adequate roads to their homes. This was often the reason for leaving the village, which ultimately means the shutdown of agriculture, which is one of our strategic economic branches. The local government has been dedicated to this key life issue for years.
In the period between the two festive sessions, about 24 km of roads were asphalted. 1,679,000 euros were spent on their rehabilitation and modernization.
We have modernized key roads in over 20 local communities, and the asphalt installation work will last until the end of the construction season.
After everything that has been done in that field, during this and previous years, I can freely say that very soon we will have a complete road network on the territory of the entire municipality. There are those who will say that it is the 21st century and that it is not good that we are still talking about asphalting roads, which I partly agree with. But also, I tell you that, regardless of the fact that it is the 21st century, this local government is solving these issues. Someone had to solve them, and we will continue to solve them because, I repeat, there is no further development without good road infrastructure.
The future of Rožaj is based on several important projects. The main ski resort is Hajla-Štedim, which is under construction. It is the basis for the development of winter and summer tourism, from which even the richest countries in the world live.
On the other hand, the Government recently gave the land of the former Upper Ibar to the municipality. The procedure for the removal of dilapidated buildings is underway, after which, in accordance with the urban plan, we will proceed with the valorization of the space. In this way, we opened the door to investors whose investments will be measured in millions of euros. We will also create new jobs and revive the real sector.
The formation of the Business Zone also supports this theme. We worked hard on that project, preparations are underway for the construction of road and utility infrastructure, after which we will offer it to investors. There are certain and certain announcements for all of this, which will be covered by transparent procedures.
If we add to these projects the reconstruction of the main road Rožaje-Špiljani, a new bypass, and the construction of several other important buildings, we can say with certainty that our development vision, the foundations of which we laid a few years ago, will be realized very quickly, moreover, we are one step away from it. And I promise the citizens today, on this solemn day, that we will achieve it.
That is our obligation. We work on it every day, after working hours and on weekends, and we don't complain, we look straight, towards the goal.
We rely on knowledge, experience and youth. Rožaje is one of the rare cities in Montenegro with positive natural growth and therefore with outstanding human resources.
Through greater financial allocations for sports, we tried to preserve Rožaj's sports brands in times of crisis and to affirm young athletes. Likewise, we invested significant funds in various cultural contents and financially supported a large number of cultural creators. We invested in promotional activities and continuously provided assistance to the most vulnerable categories of the population. We will continue to work in that spirit.
Respected men and women of Rožaj, dear guests. We celebrate this day proud of the results we achieved together. Likewise, as the President of the Municipality, I am proud of the efforts of my colleagues in the local administration. We tried to make citizens feel our attention and concern for their life challenges.
In the end, I tell you, we will continue to work for the good of Rožaj and for the good of our fellow citizens. Once again, on behalf of the local administration and myself, I congratulate you on the Municipal Day, said President Rahman Husović at the ceremonial session of the Rožaje Municipality Assembly.