President Husović reviewed the situation on the ground - there are currently no cases of infection in Rožaje

Today, the President of the Municipality, Rahman Husović, visited the establishment and sales facilities with his colleagues in order to see the degree of implementation of the temporary measures that are in force in order to prevent the spread of the epidemic caused by the corona virus.
In a conversation with the leaders of local institutions and services that are included in the Municipal Team for Protection and Rescue, it was assessed that their work has been intensified these days in order to perform all duties from the Activity Plan and be at the service of the citizens around the clock.
Acting Director of the Health Center, Dr. Jaho Pepić, said in a conversation with President Husović that no cases of infection have been confirmed in Rožaje so far and that close to 90 people are under health and sanitary supervision. According to him, these are mostly citizens returning to their homes from abroad.

The security guards at the Dračenovac Border Crossing do not have any problems in fulfilling their duties, but the current situation in the country and the region, as they explained during the conversation with the head of the Rožaj municipality, requires an additional level of vigilance and caution from them. They also said that they are ready to make a maximum effort in order to responsibly face the global problem caused by the corona virus by fulfilling their work tasks.
For the third day in a row, Komunalno workers have been washing the streets and actively performing other activities in the area of their responsibilities. They note that their goal is to adequately clean public areas in order to improve the level of collective hygiene, which is an important link in the prevention of any infection.

Director of Waterworks, Senad Mujević, pointed out that they procured a sufficient amount of chlorine on time and that citizens do not have to worry about its shortage on the market. However, he added that in the past few days they had a lot of unforeseen activities due to the appearance of certain faults in the water supply network and that they are successfully eliminating them regardless of the changed work regime that was introduced along with other temporary measures.

During today's working tour, President Husović decided to reward the workers of the Municipal and Waterworks who carry out physical work in the field, on behalf of the local self-government, with certain sums of money for the purchase of foodstuffs because, as he pointed out, due to the new situation, they are additionally burdened with work obligations and that without question, they fulfill tasks that exceed the scope of their previous responsibilities.

According to data from the field, employees in sales facilities are supplied with disinfectants and protective masks, and as they told us, citizens generally follow the instructions related to social distancing when shopping.
President Husović had the opportunity to, while respecting the current rules, talk to the citizens about their problems related to the arrival of the corona virus in our country, and to directly give them advice and recommendations related to compliance with the temporary measures established by the Institute for Public health and the local self-government accepted. He once again told the citizens to respect the regulations of the Government and the National Coordinating Body in order to overcome the problem of the epidemic in the shortest possible time.
"We face a big challenge that is related to our health and lives. Regardless of the concerns that are spreading in our community, I am sure that we will overcome this problem and emerge from this situation as winners. It is up to us to be in solidarity, to be responsible and above all to think of each other in order to fight this infection that has taken over the world with joint forces. In this way, we will save every individual and, what is very important, contribute to the national struggle along the way", said the President.