President Husović thanked the diaspora for the support they provide to their homeland

The fifth Days of the Diaspora-emigrants ended with a central event on the town square in Rožaj.
President Husović, after hosting the Prime Minister of Montenegro Dritan Abazović, Deputy Prime Minister Ervin Ibrahimović, Ministers Admir Adrović and Goran Đurović and other officials, opened the meeting with an address to the diaspora and all the guests.

Here is part of his address:
– Dear Montenegrin citizens from the diaspora, I will use my short presentation to address you in particular.
Patriotism and patriotism are values that you have always cherished deeply. You have shown this countless times by contributing in every way to the development of your home country. You kept a proud memory of your roots and homeland wherever you were in the world, despite all the life challenges you encountered.
Numerous families in Rožaje and Montenegro remained eager for their members who, decades ago, in search of existence, went to other parts of the world and worked diligently and with difficulty there to provide a better life for their own.
The desire to support people in your native country was evident at every step. Even to this day, you have remained consistent with that mission, and that makes you great personalities with pronounced human virtues and recognizable humanity.
At the same time, you were the best ambassadors of your country. Where you live and work, you have become respected and distinguished in the fields of business, scientific research and other social spheres.
Rožaje, and the whole of Montenegro highly values the contribution of its diaspora in the overall development process of our society.
We look forward to the months you spend with us. Your presence gives us the certainty that you have never left your homeland. On the contrary, you pass on your love for him to your children. You pass on to them our culture and all the good values that your parents instilled in you.

I would like to point out that the goal of the local administration of Rožaj, and I am sure of the Government of Montenegro, is to improve cooperation with the diaspora and to use knowledge, good energy, capital, ideas and experiences in order to accelerate the development of our country, which is our only and common home.
With the hope that we will meet again in the coming years in good health, I wish you a pleasant stay in Rožaje with the message that the doors of your hometown are always open for you and that no one can break our ties - said President Husović.