Municipal President Ejup Nurković congratulated Kurban Bayram

Reisu of the Islamic Community in Montenegro Rifat ef. Fejzica, To the President of the Majlis of the Islamic Community, Rožaje Ernad, ef. Ramović, pto the followers of the Islamic faith in Rožaje, the state and the diaspora on the occasion of the coming holiday - Kurban Bayram, let us remind you that it is a holiday of sacrificing everything transitory, material, bad and useless for the sake of getting closer to the Supreme Lord, and then to people.

Therefore, apart from our sacrifices, let's sacrifice egoism and selfishness for the sake of humanity and solidarity. Let us sacrifice strife, hatred and divisions for the sake of peace, love, harmony and unity. May the centuries-old Islamic tradition, clarity of mind and purity of heart be our guide on the way of presenting and preserving our true values for the good of all people. I am asking the Almighty Lord to have mercy and help us, especially the weak, infirm and sick, as well as all those who need this help the most.

On behalf of the municipality of Rožaje and in his own name, BAYRAM ŞERIF MUBAREK OLSUM

President of the municipality of Rozaje

Ejup Nurković


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