The President of the Municipality attended part of the regular meeting of pensioners from Rozaj
The President of the Municipality, Rahman Husović, attended today part of the regular meeting of pensioners from Rozaj, whose guest was Branko Vešović, president of the Union of Associations of Pensioners of Montenegro.

The meeting was opened by the President of the Rožaje Pensioners' Association Šabo Nurković who at the same time thanked President Husović for the support he provides from the level of the Municipality to the members of that population.
The president of the Association of Retired Persons, Branko Vešović, expressed his satisfaction that he is staying in Rožaje and told President Husović that he was honored to have met him.
"I have heard many nice words about you. My friends, pensioners in Rožaje and members of this association say that you help them with the implementation of all important activities. That's why I asked them to invite you to this meeting in order to get to know you", he said Vesovic.

During the further conversation, he pointed out that it would be very important for the Municipality of Rožaje to start finding a model for solving the housing issue of pensioners.
President Husović thanked for the invitation to attend the meeting and stated that the local self-government of Rožaj is ready to initiate all activities in the direction of improving the standard of living of members of the third age. He assessed that solving the housing issue of pensioners is a priority and he hopes that it will soon be on the agenda.