President of the municipality Rahman Husović congratulated the citizens on the New Year

We are on the threshold of a new year, which we welcome with deep faith in a better tomorrow. Ahead of us are many challenges on the way to the further development of our municipality.
We will implement and bring to an end large, very valuable infrastructure projects with the aim of achieving a new, stronger quality of life for all citizens of Rožaj.
In addition to further investments in creating assumptions for the development of the economy, we are also waiting for the realization of important development programs in the field of tourism that will make our city a desirable tourist destination.
Dear citizens, I am convinced that the coming year will be a turning point in overcoming the barriers that stand in the way of the progress of our municipality, and that in the period ahead we will jointly create the future that Rožaje deserves.
On my own behalf and on behalf of the Municipality of Rožaje, I wish all citizens a happy New Year 2020, with the wish for good health, personal and family happiness and success in all fields.
I send special congratulations on the occasion of the coming New Year to our dear fellow citizens who live in the diaspora and who decided to spend the holidays in their hometown with their families, neighbors and friends.