IBU representatives visited the local self-government
The president of the municipality and the municipal assembly of Rožaje Ejup Nurković and Almir Avdić received today the rector and vice-rector of the International Balkan University (IBU) in Skopje, prof. Dr. Mehmet Erdem Dursuna and Prof. Dr. Šener Biljali, who live in Rožaje.

During the conversation, it was said that 45 students from Rožaj are getting higher education at the Balkan University in Skopje, and that the Education Program offers a large number of courses that are in line with the students' affinities for their future professions, with exceptional conditions for acquiring knowledge, including the system scholarships.

It was also assessed that students from Rožaj who study at certain faculties, according to professors' records, achieve very good results, and that those who have already obtained university diplomas, mostly based working relationships within the framework of acquired competencies.
University representatives also visited the "Mehmed Fatih" madrasa in Rožaje.