New landslides and the collapse of the road infrastructure threaten

The damage from the floods is much greater than it was supposed to be.

The president of the municipality, Mr. Ejup Nurković, with his associates, constantly visits the terrain and flooded areas in the municipality of Rožaje, and is still today with the director of the Directorate for Development and Investments, Mirsad Džudžević, the president of the SO Rožaje, Husejin Kurtagić, the member of the Parliament of Montenegro, Ervin Ibrahimović, and the member of the Protection Service, Nuradin Agović, visited some areas and talked with the locals.

The director of the Directorate for Development and Investments, Mr. Mirsad Džudžević, said that the damage was much greater than expected, and that in some local communities there was an interruption of electricity and water supply. A large number of houses were flooded and destroyed. Currently, efforts are being made to create conditions for the families to return to their homes. 

What also poses a danger, says Džudžević, is that landslides have appeared in some places and that the road infrastructure is threatening to collapse, which will make the situation even more difficult. Džudžević also emphasizes that the land is saturated with water and the operation of machines and mechanization in the field is difficult and it often happens that machines get stuck in "living mud". The commission for the assessment of damage caused after the flood has been on the ground all day and will continue to work in the coming days in order to establish an assessment of the damage as soon as possible. 

The president of the municipality emphasizes that one of the aggravating circumstances is that winter is on the way and that snowfall is expected, which will make it much more difficult to repair the infrastructure and other structures that suffered damage. Therefore, it is very important that the commission does its part as soon as possible in order to assess the damage and for the Local Government to prepare administrative forms and address the relevant institutions of the state and government, which are obliged to meet and find means to mitigate the consequences of floods in in accordance with the law.

On this occasion, I appeal to the citizens who were less affected by this natural disaster to meet those who suffered considerable damage and help them in their rehabilitation. We, as the Local Government, will do everything to repair these damages as soon as possible and life will return to normal. We are open 24 hours a day for cooperation with citizens and we are here to listen to all their problems and to the best of our ability, in cooperation with our services and institutions, we meet them as much as possible, which is our obligation.

The local administration of Rožaje has opened special giro accounts where funds can be paid for flood damage repair, and on this occasion we invite all those who are able to help, to make their payments through the following giro accounts:

Foreign currency account:
Swift code: PDBPMEPG Societe Generale Bank Montenegro
RECIPIENT'S NAME: Remediation of damages caused by natural calamities of floods
Municipality of Rožaje.

For payments from Montenegro: 550-650250-03

Office of the President

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