The first competition of folklorists from Rozaj after the death of Ibiš Kujević
Cultural and artistic society "Vrelo Ibra" will perform in the following days at a show competition in the Turkish city of Jalova. This morning, 36 folklorists from Rožaj set out to present themselves to the local audience with traditional games of Bosniaks and other peoples from Montenegro and the region.

President of the Municipality of Rožaje Rahman Husovic he accompanied the members of that cultural and artistic society to the competition with the wish that they present Rožaje and Montenegro in the best light, as, as he said, they had done in previous years.
Leader of KUD Camil Camko Kujević thanked the local self-government for the support it gave them in preparation for the competition.
The upcoming revue competition is the first at which KUD "Vrelo Ibra" performs after the death of its founder and prominent cultural and artistic creator Ibiš Kujević.