Shots greeted the asphalt

When we saw asphalt machines coming to the village, we were overcome with such joy that we had to immortalize that moment with shots from hunting rifles, the locals said.

Residents of the village of Bašča in Rožaj yesterday celebrated with shots from hunting rifles the first meters of asphalt through the village, for which, as they point out, they have been waiting for decades.
Namely, the company "Crnagoraput", a contractor financed in partnership by the Municipality of Rožaje and the Directorate of Public Works with about 150,000 euros, yesterday started asphalting a two and a half kilometer long section. Locals express their special gratitude to the President of the Municipality, Nusret Kalač, who, as they point out, made a special effort to make this work a reality.

- When we saw that asphalt machines were coming to the village, we were overcome with such joy that we had to immortalize that moment with shots from hunting rifles. We have been waiting for this day for decades and we finally got to step on the asphalt. We met the asphalt, but not as many as we should have, since there used to be about a thousand more inhabitants here than there are today. But it's never too late, so joy and satisfaction are expected, because this is the first asphalt that has ever been laid through our village. Roads are lifelines for every place, including for us, and this gives us hope that those who stayed here to live will stay at their hearths. This infrastructure will serve as the first injection in a series of necessary facilities for promoting the development of agriculture and animal husbandry, because our village is God-given for the development of this economic branch - said the residents of Bašče, emphasizing that the village's eight-year school, which is renovated a few years ago.

They point out that a lot more needs to be done in order for the village to come to life, and their priority is quality electricity supply.
- Regarding that problem, there are indications that we will get three-phase electricity, because a new substation has already been installed in the village. We also lack a store, although it is a matter of supply and demand and no one wants to open a market that would operate unprofitably, because there are only a small number of families living here who, by the way, are quite poor. Two or three stores have been operating here in the last two decades, but they were closed due to low traffic - say the people of Baščani.

Zvezdan Ratković says that he is very pleased that the mayor of Kalač fulfilled his promise to the residents of Bašče.
- Considering the overall situation in the state and in our municipality, we are very happy that Kalač had us in mind and respected us. We will try, as much as we can, to be grateful to him. We recently criticized him, but we believe that we didn't say anything that we shouldn't, because we were afraid of being forgotten - said Ratković, emphasizing that this village only got its first asphalt in the 21st century.

His cousin Jovo Ratković also emphasized that he is very happy about the paving of the road through Bašča.
- I have never been happier in my life than today, except when my children were born. Asphalt means a lot for the whole village, so that we don't waste any more. We are all happy, because paving the road is the most important thing that could have been done for this region - said Jovo Ratković.

Locals of Bašče say that the number of inhabitants in the village has not decreased in the last ten years, because emigration has stopped.
- It is certain that the local road to the village will be repaired, but the opening of the roads to the Katun settlements would be a basic prerequisite for the revival of animal husbandry. If better conditions were created for the development of agriculture, no one from the village would look for another job. To open the roads to the katuns, one excavator would have to work for ten days, and that would mean a lot to everyone who climbs to the katuns in the summer. It is also necessary to organize the purchase of milk and milk products, so those who live in summer in the katuns could bring their products to the village. At the moment, only individuals take milk to the dairy in Rožaje, and if the purchase were regulated, then many families would have a nice profit from this business - say the residents of Bašče, who appealed to the relevant ministry to provide them with solar devices for the Katun settlements.

Lunch for "Crnagoraputa" workers

Yesterday, a group of locals organized a festive lunch to welcome all the workers of "Crnagoraput".
- This is a sign of joy and satisfaction that we wanted to share with the workers of "Crnagoraput", let them also feel our happiness - said Mile Radević, on behalf of the group of locals who organized the lunch.

Kalac can sleep peacefully

Recently, through the pages of "Dana", the residents of Baška sent objections to the president of the municipality, Nusret Kalač, because of his many years of unfulfilled promises to pave the road through this village.
-Many of us did not know that the procedure for starting the works was underway, so we resented the unfulfilled promises. Everyone wants to live in nicer and better conditions and no one has the right to be angry, not even Kalac, although we think he understood our reaction well. We now thank him for the efforts he made so that the asphalt finally passes through Bašča and we hope that he will sleep more peacefully, at least as far as we are concerned - said the residents of Bašča.

DAN, July 24, 2013

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