Rahman Husović is the new president of the municipality of Rožaje

At the 12th regular session of the Municipal Assembly, Rahman Husović was unanimously elected president of the Rožaje municipality. Yesterday, the local parliament noted the resignation of Ejup Nurković from that position, which, as he stated, he submitted for personal reasons. 

After taking the oath, Husović expressed his satisfaction with the support he received from all the councilors from the ranks of the parliamentary parties and briefly presented the vision of future work.

Here is his address below:

"I want to sincerely thank you for the trust you have shown me in the way that you have entrusted me with the position of the first and, as of today, the most responsible person in the municipality. 

At the very beginning of my first address as the President of the Municipality, I would like to mention that Rožaje is our common house, which we must carefully build and protect because we have no other home. Only with the strength of togetherness and a high degree of social responsibility can we further improve living conditions and build a better future for generations to come.

As the President of the Municipality, I can tell you with certainty that the work of the local self-government, in the period ahead of us, will be exclusively based on the principles of legality, democracy and professionalism. In addition, the work of local bodies and services will be efficient, responsive, transparent and in the function of achieving common interests.

Regardless of political, religious and national affiliation, all citizens of Rožaj will have equal status and the opportunity to, through valid mechanisms, actively participate in making decisions of collective importance.

Dear citizens, I want to tell you from this place that we will take special care of the common property, and legally and domestically manage the financial resources at our disposal, which, I remind you, are the common good. 

I think it is important to mention that there are many new challenges ahead of us, which are primarily related to the new stage of Rožaj's development. 

Towards the achievement of the development vision, we will step, side by side, with associates for whom Rožaje, like us, is a priority.

You have witnessed that over the past few years, thanks to the Government of Montenegro, we have started the implementation of very important infrastructure projects that are a platform for achieving the development goals of our municipality. Along with the further construction of traffic and communal infrastructure, and the improvement of the business environment, we will create realistic conditions for investments by domestic and foreign businessmen, and at the same time, we will also solve the problem of insufficient employment of our fellow citizens.

Through working on joint projects, our goal is to further strengthen ties with our brothers and fellow citizens in the diaspora, while developing models for young people to stay in these areas so that they can contribute knowledge and skills to the development of their own community.

It is widely known that Rožaje is a municipality that is rich in natural resources suitable for the development of various forms of economy. By implementing a clear development strategy, we will do everything to ensure that tourism and agriculture take root in the right forms, which will also condition the growth of trade and other forms of economic activity. In that area, we already have concrete solutions, the implementation of which should begin soon.

We will pay special attention to rural areas. The construction and modernization of the road network, as well as communal infrastructure, must cover all villages in order to equally improve the quality of life of all citizens.

The Government of Montenegro, through its departments, will continue to be our partner and will provide even stronger support for the implementation of started and announced new development projects.

With special attention, and with the support of the competent institutions, I will advocate for the preservation and improvement of the spiritual and material heritage that gives the seal of the Rožaj area, as well as for the creation of new contents that will complement the cultural, sports and overall social life of our municipality. We will create new and nurture traditional friendships with municipalities and cities in the country and region.

I would add the observation that Rožaje is an environment whose citizens are characterized by openness towards people as well as all those civilizational values that are a condition for prosperity.

Therefore, I invite you to overcome political and other differences in the time ahead and, as I said at the beginning, with the contribution of every citizen, turn to the general social interest.

I am personally convinced that with harmony and common care for the community, we can achieve the set goals because, without a doubt, we all love Rožaje and wish it a bright future", said Husović in his first address as the President of the Municipality.


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