Convocation of the XIX regular session


Based on Article 71 of the Rules of Procedure of the Rožaje Municipality Assembly


XIX (nineteenth) regular session, which will be held on December 27, 2016 (Tuesday), starting at 11:00 a.m. in the Small Hall of the Cultural Center (library).

I propose the following for the session


1. Consideration and adoption of the proposed Decision on the final account of the Budget of the Municipality of Rožaje for 2015;
2. Consideration and adoption of the proposal for the Decision on Amendments to the Decision on the Budget of the Municipality of Rožaje for 2016;
3. Consideration and adoption of the proposed Decision on the Budget of the Municipality of Rožaje for 2017;
4. Consideration and adoption of the proposal for the Work Program of the Rožaje Municipality Assembly for 2017;
5. Consideration and adoption of the proposal of the Decision on amendments to the Spatial-urban plan of the municipality of Rožaje until 2020;
6. Consideration and adoption of the proposal of the Decision on giving consent to the Decision on amending the Decision on the dismissal and appointment of the president and member of the Board of Directors of DOO "Ski centar Hajla" Rožaje;
7. Consideration and adoption of the proposal for the Decision on giving consent to the Decision on supplementing the strategic development plan of the municipality of Rožaje 2014 - 2020;
8. Consideration and adoption of the proposed Decision on communal fees;
9. Consideration and adoption of the proposal of the Decision on the correction of the error in the Decision on the provision of real estate for use No. 168 of May 13, 2016;
10. Consideration and adoption of the proposal of the Decision on the publication of a Public Call for the allocation of the use of residential units - studio apartments to solve the housing issue for socially vulnerable categories of citizens;
11. Consideration Information on primary health care in the municipality of Rožaje for 2015;
12. Consideration of information on the implementation of social policy for 2015;
13. Consideration Information on the functioning of the educational system in the area of the municipality of Rožaje for the 2015/2016 school year;
14. Consideration Information on the operations of the Forestry Administration of Montenegro, Regional Unit Rožaje, for the year 2015;
15. Consideration Information on the position and condition of pensioners in the municipality of Rožaje for 2015;
16. Consideration Information on the state of security in the municipality of Rožaje for 2015 with comparative data for 2014.
Please attend the session, and in case you are unable to do so, please notify the secretary of the SO, on the phone number 067 349 942 or on the number 051 271 102.

Number: 331
Rožaje, December 16, 2016


President of the Assembly
Husein Kurtagić, prof., sr

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