The Secretary of the Rožaje Municipal Assembly informs about the awarding of the title "Honorary Citizen of Rožaje"
Based on Article 16 of the Decision on Public Recognitions and Awards of the Municipality of Rožaje ("Official Gazette of Montenegro - Municipal Regulations", number 34/19), the Secretary of the Assembly of the Municipality of Rožaje gives the following:
on awarding the title "Honorary Citizen of Rožaj"
The President of the Municipality of Rožaje established the Commission for the awarding of the title "Honorary Citizen of Rožaje" by Decision No. 01-018/21-1940 dated September 13, 2021 ("Official Gazette of Montenegro - Municipal Regulations", No. 31/21), the said decision was confirmed by Decision Rožaje Municipal Assembly No. 02-016/21-386 dated 24 December 2021 ("Official Gazette of Montenegro - Municipal Regulations", No. 1/22). The commission had the task of carrying out the procedure for awarding the title of "Honorary Citizen of Rožaje", all in accordance with the Decision on public recognition and awards of the Municipality of Rožaje.
In the procedure following the completed public call for proposals for the award of the title "Honorary Citizen of Rožaja", the commission considered the proposals received and decided to award the title "Honorary Citizen of Rožaja" to the ambassador of the Republic of Turkey in Montenegro. Songul Ozan , the aforementioned Decision was confirmed by Decision No. 02-016/21-387 of 24 December 2021 ("Official Gazette of Montenegro - Municipal regulations", number 1/22), at the session of the Rožaje Municipality Assembly.

Dear Ambassador of the Republic of Turkey in Montenegro, Her Excellency Mrs. Songul Ozan in the course of her diplomatic activities in Montenegro, she strengthened the traditionally good relations between Bosniaks in our country and the Turkish people. In various spheres of social activity, his involvement continuously contributes to the socio-economic development of Rožaj. This is evidenced by the important implemented projects and important activities in the field of infrastructure that are present in our local community. Respected Ambassador Her Excellency Mrs. Ozan, among other things, provides selfless support in the field of education of young Rojaj men and women, where through scholarship programs our young people complete their studies at prestigious Turkish universities. Ambassador Ozan subordinated her diplomatic activity to the promotion and development of the values of a democratic society, historical events and traditions, the position and reputation of Rožaj and its status and relations with other cities in the country and abroad.
The charter of the title of "Honorary Citizen of Rožaje" to the Ambassador of the Republic of Turkey in Montenegro Songul Ozan was presented by the President of the Municipality of Rožaje at the ceremonial session of the Assembly of the Municipality of Rožaje, which was held on the occasion of the Day of the Municipality of Rožaje "September 30", 2021.
Secretary of the Assembly,
Amer Dacić, sr