Internal Audit Service

Head of Service:
Address: street: "M.Tita" bb, 84 310 Rožaje;
Phone: 051; Mobile:

The Internal Audit Service performs internal audit tasks related to:

- operational planning, organization and performance of internal audit of all business functions within the jurisdiction of the Municipality, in accordance with the International Standards of Internal Audit and the Code of Ethics of Internal Auditors, with the aim of improving operations;

- assessment of the financial risk management system;

- preparing an internal audit report to be submitted to the President of the Municipality;

- conducting a special audit at the request of the President of the municipality and conducting an audit of the use of European Union funds;

- monitoring the implementation of the recommendations given in the reports from previously performed audits;

- providing advice and expert opinions when new systems and procedures are introduced;

- preparation of strategic and operational plans and work programs that are the basis for the implementation of the internal audit function, as well as monitoring their execution;

- preparation of periodic and annual reports on the work of the internal audit;

- cooperation with the Unit for central harmonization of financial management and control and internal audit in the public sector, which includes the obligation to submit an annual report;

- cooperation with the State Audit Institution, international and domestic professional institutions and associations;

- monitoring and proposing the education of internal auditors in accordance with international standards of internal auditing;

- monitoring the implementation of the recommendations of the State Audit Institution, performing other tasks in accordance with the law.