"TOFI" submitted a request for consent to the Environmental Impact Assessment Elaborate

Based on Article 20 of the Law on Environmental Impact Assessment ("Official Gazette of Montenegro", No. 75/18) Secretariat for Spatial Planning and Environmental Protection of the Municipality of Rožaje
interested public
that the holder of the project "TOFI" doo Rožaje submitted a request for consent to the Elaboration on environmental impact assessment for the facility for the production of ready-mixed concrete - concrete mixer, on cadastral plot no. 1406 KO Rožaje, Rožaje municipality.
The request with the necessary documentation about the said facility will be available to the public for thirty (30) days from the date of notification, in the premises of the Secretariat for Spatial Planning and Environmental Protection of the Municipality of Rožaje, Street "M.tita" No. 1, Office No. 11, every working day days from 09:00 to 12:00. The report can be downloaded from the website of the Municipality of Rožaje www.rozaje.me .
The deadline for the public hearing and submission of objections and opinions in written form, to the address of the Secretariat for Spatial Planning and Environmental Protection of the Municipality of Rožaje, as well as to e-mail urbanizamrozaje@t-com.me , is until January 7, 2022.
The public forum on the Elaboration in question will be held in the Great Hall of the JU Center for Culture, Municipality of Rožaje, on December 27, 2021, starting at 10 a.m.