The President of the Municipality helped the Novalić family with €3,000.00

Today, the President of the Municipality with his associates visited the family of Sadet Novalić, whose house burned down in the early hours of the morning.

In the conversation with Novalić, we were informed that the building in which they had been living until now was in a very bad condition, that in addition to him and his wife, three other children lived in very substandard premises, that the entire house and all the household items they had burned down. , that they have nothing left of their property and that they are currently beyond any possibility of adequately managing their existence on their own without help from outside.

Otherwise, the house was built of wood, which was accompanied by an annex made of hard material with auxiliary rooms.

The President of the Municipality provided a one-time help to the aforementioned family with €3,000.00 from the Budget, with the possibility left, since it is a family in a very poor financial condition, that they will try to find opportunities for additional help.

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