The Electoral Assembly of the Tourist Organization was held in Rožaje

Ejup Nurković, president of the municipality at the head of the local TO

Tourism represents one of the most important development opportunities for the municipality of Rozaj and the local government will treat that area accordingly in its plans, said Ejup Nurković, the president of the municipality, who by function took over the position of president of the Assembly of the local Tourist Organization.

"In our development plans, tourism has an important place and this government, in accordance with its possibilities, will help the implementation of good projects that can contribute to the faster development of this area. Of course, we will do our best to present natural potentials, which are not small, in contacts with potential donors and partners, and for tourism, after a period of stagnation, to take its rightful place"-said Nurković while reminding that the Government of Montenegro has allocated 300,000 euros to the municipality of Rožaj for the preparation of the winter tourist season, which, as he assessed, will further strengthen the plans of the local government in this area.

At the Assembly, the Executive Committee was elected, consisting of Asim Mujević, members, Faruk Agović and Nedžad Murić. The TO work program for 2015 was also adopted.

The President of the IO, Mujević, otherwise a well-known tourism worker, praised the Work Program.

  • I believe that this document covers all the fields of interest for the faster development of this important area and that the deadlines, i.e. the dynamics of the planned projects, are realistically determined - said Mujević, noting that their implementation will largely depend on TO itself, as well as the possibility of providing funds.

Director of TO, Amel Dedeić said that this year TO will prioritize activities that will be aimed at creating a tourist product of the municipality.

"Our goal is to maintain the existing tourist events, improve their content and organize new ones that will contribute to the better valorization of tourist resources and the promotion of this environment in general, and we will devote significant attention to the creation of informational and propaganda material and perform at tourism fairs"-said Dedeić.


                                                                                                      F. Kalić


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