"Free volleyball school" soon in Rožaje

The President of the Municipality, Rahman Husović, today received the President of the Volleyball Association of Montenegro, Cvetko Pajković, and his main associate, the golden Olympian, Igor Vušurović, together with his colleagues.
OSCG representatives presented the "Free Volleyball School" project, which is planned to be implemented in eight municipalities in the North of Montenegro, including Rožaje.

As part of the project activities, work will be organized with boys from primary schools to acquire basic volleyball skills, all with the aim of popularizing and popularizing men's volleyball in Montenegro. - Rožaje is a municipality that has exceptional sports potential. Therefore, the task of state institutions and local governments is to promote the identification and affirmation of sports talents through coordinated efforts. One of the most important steps in this field is the improvement of the sports infrastructure and the organization of quality trainings led by people whose professional references are recognized in the social community, is one of the conclusions from today's meeting.

President Rahman Husović said that Rožaje will join the municipalities that supported the project, which will be conducted by OSCG, stressing that the idea of providing children with free volleyball training is an extraordinary contribution to the revival of that sport. He also mentioned that he is sure that this project will arouse the interest of young people in Rožaje.

OSCG President Cvetko Pajković pointed out that in accordance with the "Free Volleyball School" project program, 13 physical education teachers will be hired to work with children, and that training sessions will be held three times a week in the afternoon.
With the statement that in the north of Montenegro, in the men's competition, only one club is currently competing, Pajković also emphasized that one of the main tasks of the project is providing assistance in establishing new volleyball clubs in that area.

The "Free Volleyball School" project, which will be implemented by OSCG, was supported by the European Volleyball Confederation (CEV), the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports and the Sports and Youth Administration. The program will last eight months.