Preparation of the General Regulation Plan of Montenegro is in progress

The Secretariat for Spatial Planning and Environmental Protection of the Municipality of Rožaje informs all interested citizens that the preparation of the General Regulation Plan of Montenegro, which is being prepared by the Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism of Montenegro, is in progress. Accordingly, we inform interested citizens that all initiatives or requests for changes to individual parts of the plan: Spatial-Urban Plan of the Municipality of Rožaje (PUP), Detailed Urban Plans (DUPs), General Urban Plan or Local Site Studies (LSL) , can be submitted directly to the address of the Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism of Montenegro or the Secretariat for Spatial Planning of the Municipality of Rožaje, which this secretariat will forward to the competent ministry for further jurisdiction.
Requests or initiatives for changes should contain the following information:
- Specify to whom the initiative or request is submitted (MORTCG or Secretariat)
- Subject of the request: (Indicate what the initiative is for, and the subject of the change) PUP, GUR, DUP or LSL
- Information about the location: cadastral municipality (KO), cadastral plot number, urban plot number (UP), name of the plan in which the location is located: PUP, GUR, DUP or LSL.
- initiative - description of the request for which it is submitted (repurposing, legalization, etc.)
- Attachment: georeferenced geodetic survey in digital dwg format - AutoCAD version 2015 or older (on CD); other relevant documentation (certificate of ownership, cadastre extract, building permit...)
- Information about the applicant or initiative, the owner or user of the land.
Requests can be submitted until the end of January 2021, when the phase of Analysis of planning documents and the existing situation in the space ends.
Also, we inform you that for any additional information you can contact the Secretariat for Spatial Planning and Environmental Protection of the Municipality of Rožaje.