The budget of the Municipality of Rožaje for 2022 was adopted
The Assembly of the Municipality of Rožaje adopted a decision on the budget for the next year in the amount of 7,660,000 euros, which is 10.37 percent more than this year's.

The President of the Municipality, Rahman Husović, expressed his satisfaction that, as he pointed out, a high-quality discussion was started in the local parliament when it comes to the budget for the irregular year, which, according to his announcements, will be fully realized.
Husović emphasized that in 2022, projects of key importance for the further development of Rožaj will be implemented and noted that the Municipality has achieved visible results in the past period in the field of improving the local investment environment, emphasizing the importance of the future Business Zone, which is about to be opened, as well as the land of the former Gornji Ibar factory, which was handed over to the Municipality at its disposal.

Secretary of the Secretariat for Finance Ismet Hadžić said that the proposed revenues for 2022 were mainly planned on the basis of the Decision on the Budget for 2021 and assessed that the proposed budget for 2022 is a realistic financial plan that will ensure financing of municipal bodies, servicing of all budget users, as well as the execution of plans determined by the local administration under its jurisdiction.

When it comes to expenditures, 6,808,151.09 euros will be allocated within the current budget for 2022, and 851,848.92 euros for the capital budget.
The capital budget refers to:
• Expenditures for infrastructure of general importance, which are planned in the amount of 25,000 euros
• Local communal infrastructure, which is planned in the amount of 705,748.92 euros
• Expenditures for equipment that are planned in the amount of 81,100 euros
• Other planned capital expenditures in the amount of 40,000.00 euros
The capital budget for 2022 is planned on the basis of the Draft Program of Investment Activities of the Municipality of Rožaje for 2022, which is prepared by the Directorate for Construction, Investments and Traffic of the Municipality of Rožaje based on the needs of the local population, plans and strategic documents.

The largest part of the Capital Budget relates to the construction and reconstruction of road and utility infrastructure in the rural area based on the requests of local residents and the leadership of local communities.
In the city area, the construction, reconstruction and rehabilitation of traffic roads with parking space, reconstruction of pedestrian paths, and the construction of communal infrastructure are planned.
In order to improve sports and educational infrastructure, part of the funds will be directed to the construction and reconstruction of playgrounds and sports halls.
Part of the Capital Budget will be allocated for the co-financing of infrastructure projects financed from the Capital Budget of the Government of Montenegro, donor funds from other institutions and organizations.
All projects that are planned for financing by the Budget Decision are marked as priority by the Draft Strategic Development Plan of the Municipality of Rožaje for the period 2021-2025. year.