Most of the newly infected in Rožaje are in poor health

Most of the newly infected people in Rožaje are in poor health, the authorities are urged to further strengthen the control of the implementation of protection measures

The municipal team for protection and rescue calls on citizens to respect the protection measures against the corona virus in order to preserve health and lives.

Rožaje is once again facing a sudden increase in the number of people infected with the Kovid 19 virus. Data from the local Health Center show that among the newly infected are a large number of people with very poor vital parameters, which is an additional reminder of the devastating consequences of the corona virus.

We invite citizens to respect the protection measures against the corona virus, primarily to avoid public gatherings, which are also the main cause of the spread of the virus.

The municipal team for protection and rescue has initiated increased control of the implementation of protection measures recently defined by the Government, and all individuals and social entities that do not comply with the applicable rules in that area will be sanctioned.

Also, the Municipal Team for Protection and Rescue appeals to the competent state authorities to further strengthen activities in the field with the aim of stronger control over the implementation of measures so that the epidemiological situation remains within the limits of control.

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