The eleventh regular session of the SO Rožaje has been scheduled

Based on Article 68 of the Rules of Procedure of the Rožaje Municipality Assembly ("Official Gazette of Montenegro - Municipal Regulations"
no. 38/18 )


XI (eleventh) regular session, which will be held on December 25, 2019 (Wednesday), starting at 10 a.m., in the room of the National Library (reading room). I propose the following for the session


  1. Report on the filling of the vacant councilor position;
  2. Consideration and adoption of the Work Report for 2018 of the President of the Municipality of Rožaje, with the report of
    performing the functions of local self-government;
  3. Consideration and adoption of Information on the functioning of educational institutions in the territory of the municipality
    Rozaje for the 2018/19 school year:
  4. Consideration and adoption of Information on the position and condition of pensioners in the municipality of Rožaje for 2018;
  5. Consideration and adoption Information on the work of the Center for Social Work - Rožaje for the year 2018;
  6. Consideration and adoption of Information on the state of crime in the area of the municipality of Rožaje for 2018;
  7. Consideration and adoption Information on the operations of the Forestry Administration of PJ Rožaje for the year 2018;
  8. Consideration and adoption of the Report on the work of the Rožaje Health Center for the year 2018;
  9. Consideration and adoption of the proposal of the Decision on the Final Account of the Budget of the Municipality of Rožaje;
  10. Consideration and adoption of the proposal of the Decision on the adoption of the sports development strategy in the municipality of Rožaje for the period
  11. Consideration and adoption of the proposal Decision on granting consent for the organization of the 47th Sandžački sports
    games for 2020;
  12. Consideration and adoption of the proposal of the Decision on confirmation of the Decision on granting management and use
    locality "Brezovačko brdo";
  13. Consideration and adoption of the proposal of the Decision on the twinning of the municipality of Rožaje with the municipality of Ilidža;
  14. Consideration and adoption of the proposal of the Decision on the surtax on the personal income tax;
  15. Dismissals and appointments;
    -Consideration and adoption of the proposed Decision on the dismissal of the President of the Council of DOO LJE "Radio Television
    -Consideration and adoption of the proposed Decision on the dismissal of a member of the Council of DOO LJE "Radio television
    -Consideration and adoption of the proposal of the Decision on giving consent to the Decision of the Board of Directors
    the appointment of the executive director of DOO "Ski centar Hajla" Rožaje.


President of the Assembly,
Almir Avdić, sr

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