Pollination of mosquitoes in the territory of the municipality of Rožaje

The Secretariat for Planning, Spatial Planning and Environmental Protection of the Municipality of Rožaje, as the responsible person, ensured the implementation of preventive disinfection - the treatment of the destruction of mosquitoes, both larvae and adults in the area of the city, as one of the general preventive measures aimed at preventing the suppression of infectious diseases, and therefore we inform the citizens, especially the beekeepers, that on 25.07.2018. year, in the evening hours to carry out mosquito spraying in the territory of the municipality of Rožaje. We also point out that spraying mosquitoes has no effect when the temperature drops below 19 C0 and over 30 C0, so in case of bad weather, the action is postponed, and the next date will be notified later.
The action will be carried out with a preparation based on deltamethrin ew 20 formulation, which uses water as a solvent and therefore does not pollute the environment. The application of the preparation is carried out using a device of the type "IGEBA U15 HDM" from a vehicle that produces and distributes a drop size of 50-75 microns. The specified drop size penetrates the cuticle of the adult form of the mosquito and only this drop size is lethal to mosquitoes. The deltamethrin-based preparation is formed from encapsulated droplets and dissolves in water, and with proper application, a distribution of 1.5 million active particles is ensured in each cubic meter of air in the treated area.