Official meeting: President Husović and Minister Adrović

The President of the Municipality Rahman Husović met today with the Minister of Labor and Social Welfare, Admir Adrović, who paid an official visit to the Municipality of Rožaje today with his colleagues.
President Husović, in the presence of Minister Adrović, signed contracts with grant recipients within the framework of the implementation of the project "Joint action for active employment measures in the wood processing sector in the municipality of Rožaje".
President Husović greeted everyone present and said that Rožaje has a rich tradition when it comes to the wood processing sector of production.

"Our goal is to create jobs within traditional branches of the economy. Wood processors from Rožaj have a lot of knowledge and experience that we can harness in the direction of the development of our municipality. With this and similar projects, the implementation of which we plan, we open new perspectives for young people and create new jobs in the real sector of production," said President Husović.
The Minister of Labor and Social Welfare, Admir Adrović, stated that the priority activity of the Government of Montenegro is the implementation of activities from the European Agenda, with the ultimate goal of our country becoming a part of the big European family as soon as possible.

The project "Joint action for active employment measures in the wood processing sector in the municipality of Rožaje", within the framework of which contracts on the allocation of non-reimbursable funds-grants were signed, is financed by the European Union and the Government of Montenegro, and the total amount of funds that are distributed according to this tender is 300,000, 00 euros.
"With this financial support, the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare wants to provide additional support for the development of Rožaj, in order to reduce the percentage of unemployment of women and men through the development of their professional skills, work habits and creativity in the wood processing sector. At the same time, the project will contribute to the improvement of the human and production capacities of small and medium-sized enterprises for the finalization of products, as well as the further development of the wood processing sector in Rožaje", said Adrović and pointed out that it is necessary that institutionally, but also as a society, we recognize the importance and opportunities that are provided through European funds, but what is more important, let's use the opportunities for the development of our community in the best way.
The interlocutors jointly assessed that through the project "Joint action for active employment measures in the wood processing sector in the municipality of Rožaje", funds are distributed to support companies that will improve employment and competitiveness in the field of wood processing, and that the companies that were the most competitive with their project received them proposals.
The goal is to encourage competitiveness in an economy that has the capacity to develop on the domestic and regional markets, so that, based on its knowledge and capabilities, it can participate in the common market competition of the European Union, which the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare and the Rožaj local government will provide full support - is the message from today's official meeting.

Today, Minister Adrović and his colleagues visited the Rožaj Center for Social Work and the Day Center for Children and Youth with Disabilities and Difficulties in Development.